Factory Raster Family Beach Towels - Rehetiya mezin

Danasîna kurt:

Our factory offers family beach towels that combine size, comfort, and style. Lightweight and sand-free, ideal for a perfect, hassle-free beach outing.

Kîtekîteya Hilbera

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Hûrguliyên Hilbera

Navê Hilbera Family Beach Towel
Mal 80% polyester, 20% polyamide
Reng Xwazî kirin
Mezinayî 28x55 inches an adet
Logo Xwazî kirin
Cihê orjînal Zhejiang, Chinaîn
Qet 80 PCS
Dem dema nimûneyê 3 - 5 roj
Pîvan 200 GSM
Dema hilberînê 15 - 20 roj

Taybetmendiyên hilberê hevbeş

Kêrhatî High, 5x giraniya xwe diêşîne
Sand - belaş Erê, ji ber Microfiber Sumy Microfiber
Reng Fade - Rengdar, rengên ronî
Eco - heval Erê, bi kiryarên domdar re çêkir

Pêvajoya çêkirina hilberê

The manufacturing process of our family beach towels involves the use of innovative weaving techniques to integrate polyester and polyamide fibers. This blend results in a lightweight yet highly absorbent fabric, perfect for beach settings. The towels undergo a digital printing process that ensures bright, non-fading colors. Quality control is paramount, with each towel inspected for durability and resilience to sand and saltwater exposure. Studies, such as those published in the Journal of Textile Science, confirm the effectiveness of microfiber blends in achieving these desirable characteristics while maintaining environmental compliance through reduced resource wastage.

Senaryoyên serlêdana hilberê

Family beach towels are pivotal for any beach-goers, offering versatility beyond mere drying. They can be utilized as picnic blankets, ground covers, or makeshift sunshades. Their large size is advantageous for defining personal space, as noted in studies on beach ergonomics. The ergonomic design, which minimizes clutter and enhances comfort, is particularly beneficial for crowded beach scenarios. A study in the International Journal of Consumer Studies highlights the preference for multifunctional beach gear, underscoring our towels' design to fulfill these multifaceted needs.

Hilber piştî - Xizmeta firotanê

  • Garantiya razdariyê bi vegera belaş di nav 30 rojan de
  • 24/7 Piştgiriya Xizmeta Xerîdar
  • Tamîrkirina belaş ji bo kêmasiyên çêkirina di nav 1 salan de
  • Şopandina serhêl a fermanan û vebijarkên hêsan ên betalkirinê

Veguhestina hilberê

Our transportation process ensures timely delivery, with options including express shipping and standard delivery. Products are packaged to prevent damage during transit, utilizing eco-friendly materials. We ensure compliance with international shipping standards and provide tracking information to guarantee peace of mind.

Avantajên hilberê

  • Fabrîk - bihayê rasterast ji bo lêçûnê - bandorker
  • Vebijarkên xwerû ji bo reng û logoyê
  • ECO - Pratîkên çêkirina hişmend
  • Ji bo hêsantiriya rêwîtiyê sivik û tevlihev


  • Q1:Ma ev sandên sandê ne - berxwedêr?
  • A1:Yes, our family beach towels are made with microfiber, making them exceptionally sand-resistant. Simply shake off the sand after use.
  • Q2:Maçik dikare were xweşkirin?
  • A2:Erê, hûn dikarin li gorî tercîhên me ferman bikin, rengê, rengê, û logo xweş bikin.
  • Q3:Hêjeya fermana herî kêm çi ye?
  • A3:MOQ ji bo maseyên me yên malbata me 80 parçeyên e, destûr didin ku ji bo hewcedariyên mişterî yên cihêreng bikin.
  • Q4:Divê ez çawa ji bo van hêlînê eleqedar bikim?
  • A4:Ew makîneyek şûştin û rengên rengîn û tekoşîna xwe dihêlin.
  • Q5:Tofan in ku jîngehê heval in?
  • A5:Erê, pêvajoyên hilberîna me li ser pratîkên domdar, kêmkirina bandora jîngehê.
  • Q6:Kengî dema radestkirinê ye?
  • A6:Delivery bi gelemperî di navbera 15 - 20 rojan de, li gorî cîh û fermana taybetî ve girêdayî ye.
  • Q7:Kulîlkên bi demê re çêdikin?
  • A7:Na, bilindiya me - pênase çapkirina dîjîtal misoger dike ku pêlên zindî û fade bimînin - berxwedêr.
  • Q8:Ma ev tûj in ji bo karanîna hewayê guncan in?
  • A8:Bêguman, tûşên me ji bo seyranê û pehnek ji hev re wekhev in.
  • Q9:Ma ez dikarim van pêlavan ji bo pîknîkê bikar bînim?
  • A9:Erê, mezinahiya wan mezin û durustiya wan ji bo pîknîk û çalakiyên derveyî xweş bikin.
  • Q10:Garantiyek li ser pêlavan heye?
  • A10:Em li ser kêmasiyên çêkirinê, peydakirina salane pêşkêşî dikin, wekî ku hewce ne, karûbarên tamîrkirinê an şûna peyda kirin.

Hilberên mijarên germ

  • Mijar 1:Feydeyên jîngehê yên hilbijartina fabrîkayê - Tofanên Beach Malbat çêkir.
  • Factory-produced family beach towels have become increasingly popular due to their sustainable production. Utilizing eco-friendly materials reduces waste and ensures long-lasting quality. Unlike traditional towels, these microfiber options significantly decrease drying time and energy consumption. This innovation supports environmental goals by minimizing the carbon footprint associated with frequent towel replacements. A study in the Journal of Cleaner Production highlights the importance of sustainable textile practices, reinforcing the value of choosing thoughtfully manufactured products.
  • Mijar 2:Sêwirana sivik û bandora wê li ser rehetiya rêwîtiyê.
  • The lightweight construction of family beach towels makes them ideal for travel. These towels are compact and easy to pack, leaving room for other essentials in your beach bag. Their efficiency in absorbing moisture and quick-drying capabilities further streamline your beach day experience. The American Travel Association emphasizes the importance of packing light, and our factory-designed towels align perfectly with this travel philosophy, providing convenience without compromising on quality or functionality.
  • Mijar 3:Taybetmendiyên kesane yên di sêwiranên hewşê de sêwiran.
  • As consumer preferences evolve, personalization has become a critical factor in purchasing decisions. Offering tailored options for size, color, and logo allows for a unique and memorable beach accessory. Our factory excels in delivering customized services that meet individual needs. According to the Customization and Personalization Report, personalized products significantly enhance customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, highlighting the value of bespoke beach towels.
  • Mijar 4:Feydeyên mîkrofiber di nav pêlên seyranê de.
  • Microfiber towels, renowned for their durability and softness, offer a superior alternative to traditional cotton towels. Their ability to absorb more than five times their weight in water provides unmatched drying performance. Studies in textile technology affirm that microfiber is not only effective but also environmentally friendlier due to reduced washing frequency and lower degradation over time. Our factory's adeptness in utilizing this material ensures an eco-conscious yet highly functional product.
  • Mijar 5:Kulîlkên hewayê yên malbatê çawa dikarin seyranê zêde bikin - ezmûna goer.
  • Family beach towels offer more than just utility; they enhance the beach experience by providing ample space for families or groups. Their multifunctional nature as blankets and sunshades maximizes the enjoyment of the beach environment. Research in leisure studies indicates that having the right gear can significantly impact leisure satisfaction. Consequently, our factory-designed family beach towels come highly recommended for anyone seeking to elevate their beach outings.

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