Hondartzako eskuoihalen fabrikatzaile nagusia harea: eskuoihal magnetikoa

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As a premier manufacturer, our Beach Towel on Sand with magnetic capabilities is designed for easy attachment, featuring highly absorbent microfiber for optimal use.

Produktuaren xehetasuna

Produktuen etiketak

Produktuaren xehetasunak

Kolore7 kolore eskuragarri
Tamaina16x22 hazbete
ErloleikoNeurri pertsonalizatua
Jatorrizko lekuaZhejiang, Txina

Produktuaren zehaztapen arruntak

Lagin-denbora10 - 15 egun
Ekoizpen denbora25 - 30 egun
DiseinatuDiseinu magnetiko bakarra

Produktuen fabrikazio prozesua

According to authoritative sources on towel manufacturing, the process involves the selection of high-quality microfiber materials known for their absorption and durability. The weaving process utilizes advanced techniques to create a waffle pattern that enhances debris removal capabilities. The integration of a concealed magnet in the towel is an innovation in design, providing functionality without compromising on aesthetics. After weaving, the towels undergo dyeing and logo customization, which meet stringent international quality standards. The manufacturer ensures that each stage of production is closely monitored for consistency and quality, resulting in a product that competes globally in durability and functionality.

Produktuen aplikazioaren agertokiak

The Magnetic Beach Towel on Sand is versatile, catering mainly to golf enthusiasts needing quick and reliable cleaning solutions. It serves as a personal space marker and provides comfort on sandy surfaces. The industrial-strength magnet allows for easy placement on golf carts or clubs, thus integrating seamlessly into golfing scenarios. Additionally, its design is suitable for beach-goers who value convenience and style, as it simplifies the organization of personal effects and minimizes sand adherence. As noted in several studies on leisure and recreation, having a designated towel in sports and relaxation settings enhances user experience by adding a layer of personal comfort and utility.

Produktua ondoren - Salmenta zerbitzua

  • 24/7 customer support for warranty and replacement inquiries.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee with a return policy valid for 30 days after purchase.
  • Dedicated service centers available in main distribution areas for repairs and consultations.

Produktuen garraioa

  • Mundu mailako bidalketa jarraipen aukerekin.
  • Eco - Packaging lagungarria karbono aztarna minimizatzeko.
  • Fast dispatch within 2 days of order confirmation, reliable delivery partners for timely delivery.

Produktuen abantailak

  • Unique magnetic feature ensures secure attachment to metal surfaces.
  • Diseinu arinen higadurak hobetzen ditu - Joan erabiltzaileak.
  • Xurgapen altua eta azkarra - Mikrofibra materiala lehortzea.

Produktuaren ohiko galderak

  1. Zer material erabiltzen dira hondartzako eskuoihal magnetikoan harea gainean?Our manufacturer uses premium microfiber, known for its absorbency and quick-drying capabilities.
  2. Nola funtzionatzen du imanak?The integrated magnet allows for easy attachment to metal surfaces like golf carts and clubs, providing convenience and accessibility.
  3. Pertsonalizazioa eskuragarri al dago?Yes, we provide logo customization options to tailor the towels to your needs.
  4. Zein da gutxieneko eskaera kantitatea (MOQ)?The minimum order quantity for the Magnetic Beach Towel is 50 pieces.
  5. Eskuoihal makina garbitzen al da?Yes, the microfiber material and removable magnetic patch allow for safe machine washing.
  6. Eskuoihal hau hondartzan ere erabil al daiteke?Absolutely, it serves as an excellent beach towel on sand, providing comfort and style.
  7. Zeintzuk dira bidalketa aukerak?We offer worldwide shipping with various delivery options to suit your needs.
  8. Zenbat denbora behar da eskaera prozesatzeko?Typically, production time ranges from 25-30 days with additional time for shipping.
  9. Koloreak desagertzen dira - erresistenteak?Yes, our dyeing process adheres to European standards, ensuring vibrant and lasting colors.
  10. Zerk ezartzen ditu zure eskuoihalak besteengandik aparte?Our unique magnetic feature and high-quality manufacturing make us a leading manufacturer in both golf and beach towel segments.

Produktuaren gai beroak

  1. How does the magnetic feature enhance the functionality of beach towels on sand?The magnetic feature provides unique convenience for golf enthusiasts and beachgoers by allowing easy attachment to metal surfaces. This functionality enhances the utility of a typical beach towel on sand, transforming it from a simple accessory to an integral part of the golfing or leisure experience. It saves time and trouble by keeping the towel within reach without worrying about it being blown away or misplaced.
  2. What role does the microfiber material play in the towel's performance?The microfiber material is crucial for achieving high absorbency while maintaining a lightweight and easy-to-carry profile. It ensures that the towel effectively absorbs moisture, which is essential for both cleaning golf equipment and drying off after time spent on the sand. The material’s structure also prevents the accumulation of sand and debris, showcasing the manufacturer’s dedication to practical design.

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